Domestic Abuse
Protection from Domestic Abuse
At Arthurs Solicitors we will provide you with discreet specialist advice and assistance to ensure that you and your children are safe from any abuse or harm. We understand domestic abuse is a particularly serious situation and we act instinctively and sensitively. How you wish to communicate with us is to your discretion and we will act accordingly.
Our Family team is highly experienced with an accredited Resolution specialist with over a decade of experience in protecting clients and children from harm. Our specialist has been recommended in the Legal 500 2017 edition for specialist expertise in domestic abuse matters.
Women’s Aid defines domestic abuse as an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual violence, this is in the majority of cases by a partner or ex-partner, but also by a family member or carer regardless of gender or sexuality.
Domestic abuse can include, but is not limited to, the following:
• Coercive control (a pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation and control with the use or threat of physical or sexual violence)
• Psychological and/or emotional abuse
• Physical or sexual abuse • Financial abuse
• Harassment and stalking • Online or digital abuse
• Forced marriage
• Honour-based violence
• Dowry-related abuse
• Transitional marriage abandonment
We can assist you by obtaining a Non-Molestation order, preventing a violent or abusive partner, ex-partner or family member from subjecting you and/ or the children of the family to abuse; and also exclude a violent or abusive partner, ex-partner or family member from the home or other family property, by way of an occupation order. We can also assist you in obtaining a Forced-Marriage Protection order in circumstances where this is required.
We have good working relationships with agencies such as Refuge, Local Domestic Abuse services and the police. We are highly experienced in successfully obtaining domestic violence injunctions on behalf of partners, former partners and family members through the courts.
We are contracted by the Legal Aid Agency and orders can be applied for on an immediate emergency basis, without your partner, ex-partner or family member being present at the initial court hearing for your protection depending on the circumstances.
If you would like to discuss matters urgently and discreetly kindly contact us here or telephone 01843 210377 for an appointment.
Useful websites for domestic abuse
Kent Domestic Abuse Support Services